Best Radio Frequency Ablation Procedure in Hyderabad

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a minimally invasive procedure that uses heat generated by high-frequency electrical currents to destroy abnormal tissue in the body. In medical gastroenterology, RFA is often used to treat conditions such as Barrett’s esophagus, a precancerous condition of the lining of the esophagus, and liver tumors. Visit TX Hospitals Hyderabad and get a permanent cure through effective surgical and non-surgical procedures by the Best Doctors in Hyderabad.

RFA Procedure:

During RFA, a thin, flexible tube called an endoscope is passed through the mouth and into the esophagus or stomach. The endoscope contains a small camera that allows the doctor to see the area being treated. A special device at the tip of the endoscope delivers the electrical current to the abnormal tissue, destroying it.


Compared to traditional surgery, RFA offers several benefits for patients with gastrointestinal conditions. For example:

  • Minimally invasive: RFA can be performed through a small incision or even a natural opening in the body, such as the mouth or anus. This reduces the risk of complications and shortens recovery time.
  • Precise targeting: Because RFA is performed with the aid of an endoscope, the doctor can see exactly where the treatment is being delivered, ensuring that only the abnormal tissue is destroyed.
  • High success rates: Studies have shown that RFA is highly effective at destroying abnormal tissue in the esophagus and liver, with success rates of up to 90% in some cases.

Conditions Treated with RFA:

Radiofrequency ablation can be used to treat a variety of gastrointestinal conditions, including:

  • Barrett’s esophagus: This precancerous condition of the esophagus is caused by long-term acid reflux. RFA can be used to destroy abnormal cells in the lining of the esophagus, reducing the risk of developing esophageal cancer.
  • Liver tumors: RFA can be used to destroy small liver tumors that are not amenable to surgical removal. This can help slow the progression of liver cancer and improve survival rates.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding: In some cases, RFA can be used to stop bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract by destroying the source of the bleeding, such as a bleeding ulcer.

Risks and Side Effects:

Like any medical procedure, RFA carries some risks and potential side effects. These may include:

  • Pain: Patients may experience some discomfort or pain during or after the procedure, which can be managed with pain medication.
  • Bleeding: In rare cases, RFA can cause bleeding in the area being treated. This may require additional treatment or monitoring.
  • Perforation: In very rare cases, RFA can cause a perforation (hole) in the esophagus or stomach. This may require emergency surgery.
  • Infection: As with any endoscopic procedure, there is a small risk of infection. This can usually be managed with antibiotics.


Radiofrequency ablation is a safe and effective treatment option for a variety of gastrointestinal conditions, including Barrett’s esophagus and liver tumors. If you think you may benefit from RFA, talk to your doctor about whether it’s right for you.