Thyroid Disorders

Best Treatment for Thyroid Disorders in Hyderabad


The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck. It produces hormones that play a key role in regulating blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, metabolism and the reaction of the body to other hormones.

The two main hormones produced by the thyroid are triiodothyronine, or T3, and thyroxine (T4). The gland also produces calcitonin, which helps bone cells process calcium and add it to the bones.

When your thyroid doesn’t work properly, it can impact your entire body. If your body makes too much thyroid hormone, you can develop a condition called hyperthyroidism. If your body makes too little thyroid hormone, it’s called hypothyroidism. Both conditions are serious and need to be treated by your healthcare provider.


There are a variety of symptoms you could experience if you have thyroid disease. Unfortunately, symptoms of a thyroid condition are often very similar to the signs of other medical conditions and stages of life. This can make it difficult to know if your symptoms are related to a thyroid issue or something else entirely.

For the most part, the symptoms of thyroid disease can be divided into two groups — those related to having too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) and those related to having too little thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism).

Symptoms of an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can include:

  • Experiencing anxiety, irritability and nervousness.
  • Having trouble sleeping.
  • Losing weight.
  • Having an enlarged thyroid gland or a goiter.
  • Having muscle weakness and tremors.
  • Experiencing irregular menstrual periods or having your menstrual cycle stop.
  • Feeling sensitive to heat.
  • Having vision problems or eye irritation.

 Symptoms of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can include:

  • Feeling tired (fatigue).
  • Gaining weight.
  • Experiencing forgetfulness.
  • Having frequent and heavy menstrual periods.
  • Having dry and coarse hair.
  • Having a Hoarse voice.
  • Experiencing an intolerance to cold temperatures.

When to see a doctor

Sometimes, thyroid disease can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are easily confused with those of other conditions. See your healthcare provider if you’re feeling tired for no reason or if you have other symptoms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Treatment for Thyroid Problem

You should work with your doctor to treat any thyroid problem.

For thyroid disorders stemming from the over- or under-production of thyroid hormones, you want to try to restore the hormone levels to their proper balance. Hyperthyroidism needs treatment that will slow down the making of thyroid hormone, while hypothyroidism needs hormone replacement.

Drugs and surgery are usually effective ways to adjust hormone levels. Other treatments, including diet supplements, herbal remedies, and special exercises, may relieve some of the discomforts and help the thyroid gland work better.

Before they decide which treatment is best for you, your doctor will consider your particular thyroid condition as well as your age, general health, and past medical issues.