Best Peritoneal Dialysis Procedure In Hyderabad

Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a medical treatment used for people with end-stage kidney disease who require dialysis. It is a type of dialysis that uses the patient’s peritoneal membrane in the abdomen as a filter to remove waste and excess fluid from the blood.

In peritoneal dialysis, a special fluid called dialysate is inserted into the peritoneal cavity through a catheter that is surgically implanted in the abdomen. The dialysate then flows through the peritoneal membrane, which acts as a filter, and absorbs waste products and excess fluids from the blood. The dialysate is then drained from the abdomen, carrying the waste and excess fluid with it. TX hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology and staffed by top nephrologists in Hyderabad.

There are two types of peritoneal dialysis

  • continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
  • automated peritoneal dialysis (APD)

Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) is the most common form of peritoneal dialysis. In CAPD, the patient manually performs several exchanges of dialysate per day, allowing for continuous filtration of their blood. The patient does not need any special equipment and can perform the exchanges at home, at work, or while traveling.

Automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) is a form of peritoneal dialysis that uses a machine to perform the exchanges of dialysate at night while the patient is sleeping. The machine is programmed to perform a series of exchanges throughout the night, and then the patient drains the dialysate in the morning. APD allows for more freedom during the day and is a good option for patients who may have difficulty performing manual exchanges or who have limited time during the day.

Peritoneal dialysis has several advantages over hemodialysis, including the ability to perform the treatment at home, the absence of a need for specialized equipment, and a lower risk of infection. However, it may not be the best option for everyone, as it requires a healthy peritoneal membrane, and may not be suitable for patients with certain medical conditions.


Peritoneal dialysis is a safe and effective treatment option for patients with end-stage kidney disease who require dialysis. It allows for the removal of waste and excess fluid from the blood using the patient’s own peritoneal membrane as a filter. Patients can choose between manual or automated forms of peritoneal dialysis, depending on their lifestyle and medical needs.