Best Undescended Testicle Surgery Procedure in Hyderabad

Undescended testicle surgery, also known as orchiopexy, is a surgical procedure used to treat undescended testicles in male infants and children. Undescended testicle surgery is a safe and effective procedure that helps to prevent potential complications, such as infertility and testicular cancer.

Here are the steps involved in an undescended testicle surgery procedure:

  1. Anesthesia: The patient will be given general anesthesia, which will cause them to fall asleep and not feel any pain during the procedure.
  2. Incision: The surgeon will make a small incision in the groin area, where the undescended testicle is located.
  3. Mobilization of the testicle: The surgeon will carefully mobilize the testicle, using surgical instruments, to bring it down into the scrotum. This may involve creating a new path for the testicle or using existing tissue to create a canal to guide the testicle into the scrotum.
  4. Fixation: Once the testicle is in the scrotum, the surgeon will use sutures or small metal clips to fix it in place, preventing it from moving back up into the groin.
  5. Closure: The incision will be closed using sutures or surgical adhesive, and a dressing will be applied.
  6. Recovery: The patient will be taken to the recovery room, where they will be monitored for any potential complications. The patient will usually be able to go home the same day or the next day after the procedure. The patient will need to avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for several weeks after the surgery.

Undescended testicle surgery is a safe and effective procedure that can help to prevent potential complications, such as infertility and testicular cancer. It is important for parents to have their children examined by a healthcare professional to detect and treat any undescended testicles as early as possible. The success rate of this surgery at TX Hospital is very high, and most patients are able to return to normal activities within a few weeks after the procedure.